Mister Cee Admits to Transsexual Sexual Relations

ceeToday Hot 97 program director Ebro interviewed DJ Mister Cee who resigned from the station yesterday.

This was a truly heartbreaking interview to hear. (And if I had to go even further, I don’t even think this interview was timed right.  Let this man get his thoughts together…but I digressed.)  After much speculation, Cee did come clean about engaging in oral sex with transsexuals. (interview below)

“Have I lied about getting sexual fellatio in a car with a transsexual? Yes, I have lied about that,” he admitted. “And I feel bad for the listeners that it did take a video to say this. I have been in denial about this for a very long time.”

I understand that Mister Cee’s life is messy, but it shouldn’t take away from this craft and it breaks my heart to see him publicly outted and affecting his career.  Yes, he does have to take accountability for his actions.  However, we can’t be considered the free world if acceptance is conditional.

I find it highly offensive when people who fornicate outside of marriage, don’t honor their parents, can’t manage their money (as the bible calls on us to be good stewards of our money), etc., etc., feel entitled to pass judgment.  SMH at the hypocrisy. In what heaven is one sin considered worse than another.  I’ll wait for you to find that passage ….  Let those without sin cast the first stone.

I commend Mister Cee for admitting his darkest secrets on air.  Hopefully this long, messy situation will lead to others having the courage to live their truth.

Let the healing begin….

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