DMX Interviews with Dr. Phil

dxIf you thought DMX got himself together after the Iyanla Vanzant fiasco, then reconsider. In fact some pretty interesting things came out of it.

Did you know he had 12 children?

I’m not having the children. I’m giving them the children. They’re well taken care of. I’m a big influence in all of their lives. I love all of my children. I do see them and speak to them when I can. I do have a relationship with my children. I love my children. I would never be apart [from] my children’s lives.

Are you $1.23 million behind in child support?

Yes I am, and the reason being is at the time I was making $13 million a year. So, if I’m making $13 million then I can pay that, but I haven’t made that in about 10 years so of course I’m behind in payments, but the children are taken care of.

On his drug addiction problems

I’m always going to have a drug problem, I don’t have to get high. I smoke weed, I drink, yes. That’s it. One day that will be gone because like I said, my faith is in God. He’s not removing it all at once but I’m taking steps every day to get better and to get where I need to be.

People actually clapped on this response. No ma’am. While God loves us all and has consistent mercy on us, I find it offensive that he would use God as part of his excuse…”He’s not removing [drugs] all at once.” Stop the madness. His interview got exactly no where. It’s sad to see talent like that wasted.

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